Contenu de l'article

Titre The Local Reception of the Quality Assurance System in the Romanian Pre-University Education. Between Resistance and Compliance*
Auteur Adel Kiss, Ildiko Fejes
Mir@bel Revue Recherches Sociologiques et Anthropologiques
Numéro vol. 43, no 2, 2012 Réguler les systèmes scolaires par les ‎connaissances : instruments, usages, effets‎
Page 77-93
Résumé anglais The paper examines how street level actors relate to the complex of regulation introduced and operated through the quality assurance system in pre-university education in Romania. In the study the focus is put on the actors' reactions (complaints, parry, resistance, opposition) considering the different aspects of regulation (external school evaluation, measurements, internal self-evaluations and the management of quality in school). The paper intends to reflect the mechanisms that eventuate the changes in attitude, perceptions and reactions. According to the literature, little attention is being given to the impacts and effects of quality assurance. The paper discusses through local actors' reaction the reception and local impacts of regulation.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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