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Titre Présentation des premières feuilles de la carte sédimentologique sous-marine en couleurs de la plate-forme continentale atlantique de la France à 1/100.000 (Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, Bricquebec, Brest, Pont-Croix, Saint-Nazaire)
Auteur André Guilcher
Mir@bel Revue Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français
Numéro no 371-372, 1969
Rubrique / Thématique
Séance du 3 mai 1969
Page 421-431
Résumé Summary. This sedimentological map, whichs is being sold at Institut Géographique National, derives from a research carried on by a team of geomorphologists and geologists working in coordination in several laboratories. The project covers the inner continental shelf extending off the western coast of France. The principles of the map are indicated and discussed, and the five sheets pubtished so far are shortly described. Other sheets will be issued in a near future.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
Résumé anglais Summary. This sedimentological map, whichs is being sold at Institut Géographique National, derives from a research carried on by a team of geomorphologists and geologists working in coordination in several laboratories. The project covers the inner continental shelf extending off the western coast of France. The principles of the map are indicated and discussed, and the five sheets pubtished so far are shortly described. Other sheets will be issued in a near future.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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