Contenu de l'article

Titre Introduction
Auteur Françoise Cribier
Mir@bel Revue Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français
Numéro no 397-398, 1972
Rubrique / Thématique
Séance du 8 janvier 1972
 Colloque. Changements actuels dans le Sud des Etats-Unis
Page 145-150
Résumé Résumé. Les changements dans le Sud des Etats-Unis retiennent l'attention de tous les observateurs, à la fois parce que les transformations sont profondes et parce que l'écart avec le reste de la nation américaine a diminué dans beaucoup de domaines. Deux autres aspects ont retenu ici l'attention : la diversification actuelle du Sud, et les formes régionales que prend le changement. 1. Les Ozarks, région montagneuse de population blanche essentiellement rurale et particulièrement pauvre, connaissent depuis une décennie un léger regain de population, témoignant de l'impact de l'industrialisation en milieu rural, et de l'arrivée de retraités. 2. La plaine côtière de Géorgie appartient au Deep-South : elle fut jusqu'à la veille de la deuxième guerre mondiale une véritable poche de misère. Aujourd'hui l'émigration est presque arrêtée, l'exode rural s'est beaucoup ralenti, les revenus moyens se sont élevés, avec des écarts régionaux stabilisés. On analyse les causes du changement, et plus particulièrement le rôle des bases militaires. 3. La Floride abrite aujourd'hui plus d'un million de retraités, presque tous venus à l'occasion de la retraite. Pour comprendre les raisons qui conduisent en Floride tant d'Américains âgés, on a essayé d'analyser un ensemble complexe de facteurs géographiques, sociaux, économiques, culturels.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
Résumé anglais Abstract. Much attention is currently given to the changes that have taken place in the south during the last decades both because of the profundity of these changes and because of the fact that the wide gulf which has traditionally separated the South from the rest of the nation has diminished. The diversification of the various regions of the South makes it necessary to analyse each region separately, in order bo better understand how each has been affected. In this article we will attempt to observe three completely different southern areas ; and 3 different types of changes. 1. The Ozarks, a mountainous, rural region consisting of a poor white population, has experienced during the last decade a slight increase in population owing to the impact of rural industrialization and to its settlement by the retired elderly. 2. The coastal plain of Georgia is part of the Deep South ; it was, until the beginning of World War II a veritable hunger pocket. To day emigration is almost at a halt, the average income has risen and regional differences have been stabilized. The causes for this dramatic change are being analyzed, with special consideration given to the role of the military bases in the area. 3. More than one million retired people live in Florida to day, most of them settling there upon their retirement. In order to understand the reasons which cause so many aged americans to settle in Florida, we have tried to examine a complex set of geographical, social, economical and cultural factors. 1. The Ozarks, a mountainous, rural region consisting of a poor white population, has experienced during the last decade a slight increase in population owing to the impact of rural industrialization and to its settlement by the retired elderly. 2. The coastal plain of Georgia is part of the Deep South ; it was, until the beginning of World War II a veritable hunger pocket. To day emigration is almost at a halt, the average income has risen and regional differences have been stabilized. The causes for this dramatic change are being analyzed, with special consideration given to the role of the military bases in the area. 3. More than one million retired people live in Florida to day, most of them settling there upon their retirement. In order to understand the reasons which cause so many aged americans to settle in Florida, we have tried to examine a complex set of geographical, social, economical and cultural factors.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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