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Titre Trapped in Migration: Migratory Careers and Entrepreneurial Creativity of Chinese Migrant Women in Taiwan
Auteur Beatrice Zani
Mir@bel Revue China perspectives
Numéro no 2018/1 New Approaches to the Political Regime Under Xi Jinping
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 75-85
Résumé anglais How do Chinese migrant women fight against economic and social disqualification to find their place in Taiwanese cities and in the Taiwanese labour market, after a double migratory ordeal firstly within China and then from China to Taiwan, where they face situations of double-discrimination? This empirical study of three urban spaces and one rural village in Taiwan shows the capacity of those women to face domination by developing creative strategies of survival and resistance. The plurality of the economic activities women can produce proves the emergence of transnational economic spaces between the Chinese society of departure and the Taiwanese society of arrival that contribute to bottom-up globalisation.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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