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Titre TIAN'ANMEN 1989
Auteur Marie-Claire Bergère
Mir@bel Revue 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire
Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire
Numéro no 27, juillet-septembre 1990
Page 3-14
Résumé anglais Tian'anmen 1989, Marie-Claire Bergère. An analysis of the Tian'anmen movement reveals how complex it was, and how far from western patterns. The students wanted not only to improve their own conditions and transform the institutions of the Socialist Republic ; along with many intellectuals, they also wanted to moralize the party and politics. The persistence of traditional values was not the only obstacle to an institutionalization of the opposition, also paralysed by the absence of a civil and of autonomous structures in which the protesters might lean. Factional rivalties, generational fights, personal and political conflicts among leaders played a major role in Tian'anmen.
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