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Titre « D'un monde à l'autre : l'art de la métalepse selon David Foster Wallace »
Auteur Sigolène Vivier
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'études américaines
Numéro no 159, 2ème trimestre 2019 Mutations de la métafiction
Page 23-37
Résumé anglais David Foster Wallace's use of metalepsis does not corrupt the essence of mimetic illusion but rather tests the authenticity of the author-reader relationship. His story ‘Octet' aims at conflating the spheres of narration, reading and writing in order to shape new hermeneutic pathways. The story features a writer figure who stages the loss of his privileges in order to let the agency of his readership emerge; yet the latter sometimes appears more manipulated than empowered.
Source : Éditeur (via
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