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Titre Réinventer la métafiction ? Lire/voir Theories of Forgetting (2014) de Lance Olsen et There's No Place Like Time (2015) de Lance et Andi Olsen
Auteur Françoise Sammarcelli
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'études américaines
Numéro no 159, 2ème trimestre 2019 Mutations de la métafiction
Page 65-83
Résumé anglais This article explores the metafictional dimension of Lance and Andi Olsen's recent productions, the novel Theories of Forgetting and the multimodal installation There Is No Place Like Time. Deeply influenced by Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty, these works foreground a material and spatial reflexivity which also calls for the reader/viewer's active participation. While the hybrid novel relies on numerous photos and a complex typographical layout, the installation blurs the limits between reality and fiction, art and criticism, and expands the fictional universe into “a novel you can walk through”.
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