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Auteur Maurice Agulhon, Bertrand Badie, Alain Bergounioux, Alain Besancon, Odile Rudelle, Jean Stengers, Benjamin Stora, Paul Thibaud, Alain Touraine
Mir@bel Revue 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire
Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire
Numéro no 56, octobre-décembre 1997 Les populismes
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 224-242
Résumé anglais Populism? Maurice Agulhon, Bertrand Badie, Alain Bergougnioux, Alain Besançon, Odile Rudelle, Jean Stengers, Benjamin Stora, Paul Thibaud et Alain Touraine. «What do you think and what should one think, according to you, of the concept of populism and its scientific and civic uses, to understand a contemporary society, from yesterday to today?» This was the question that Vingtième siècle posed (well before the French elections of June 1, 1997) to historians, political scientists, sociologists, researchers and intellectuals. Here is a selection of their answers, all very free, and that point out the convergences around which this issue was constructed.
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