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Titre « D'un creux d'arbre vide... » : échappées vers le paganisme
Auteur Catherine Blanchoud
Mir@bel Revue Revue des Etudes Slaves
Numéro Vol. 76, no 2-3, 2005 Les proverbes en Russie. Trois siècles de parémiographie
Rubrique / Thématique
Les proverbes en Russie : trois siècles de parémiographie russe
Page 239-248
Résumé anglais “From an Empty Hole in a Tree...”: An Insight into Paganism From the interpretation of six basic paremiae is here intended an endeavour to reconstruct the reflection in the Russian language (lexicology, etymology) and folkore (paremiae etc., but also riddles, beliefs...) of a particular aspect of paganism. Thus successively appear: an ancient desacralized deity dwelling in the sanctuary of a tree hole; the priestess in charge of his cult – a seer and a prophetess; the believers, oscillating between a state of trance and one of the major functions of the god: possession.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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