Contenu de l'article

Titre Les proverbes russes : statut et étude
Auteur Zamir Tarlanov
Mir@bel Revue Revue des Etudes Slaves
Numéro Vol. 76, no 2-3, 2005 Les proverbes en Russie. Trois siècles de parémiographie
Rubrique / Thématique
Les proverbes en Russie : trois siècles de parémiographie russe
Page 249-262
Résumé anglais Russian Proverbs : Status and Study The article defines the essence and status of proberb as an authentic verbal culture phenomenon as well as its principal and most important semantic, temporal, structural and other parameters compared to patterns of common speech and author's aphorisms. An approach of this kind is made due to présent the character and scale of pro verb form-contents mutation. Some specific features distinguishing proverbs from quasi proverb forms (e.g. sayings, author's aphorisms) on the one hand, uniting these facts of speech on the other are also noted by the author. At the same time the subject of the article includes the main stages of both Russian proverb collection and formation of Russian paremiology as a separate field of philological knowledge.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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