Contenu de l'article

Titre La parémiologie russe : une partie de l'espace linguistique et culturel européen
Auteur Valerij M Mokienko
Mir@bel Revue Revue des Etudes Slaves
Numéro Vol. 76, no 2-3, 2005 Les proverbes en Russie. Trois siècles de parémiographie
Rubrique / Thématique
Les proverbes en Russie : trois siècles de parémiographie russe
Page 279-291
Résumé anglais Russian Paremiology as a Part of European Language and Cultural Space The article deals with the problems of connection between national and universal (resp. European) in Russian paremiology. The author stresses that the national spécifies of Russian proverbs lately tend to be overestimated by the Russicists who investigate the so called ‘linguistical conception (picture) of the worlď. The linguistical confrontation of Russian proverbs and proverbs of other languages shows, on the contrary, the quantitative and the qualitative predominance of general European proverbs compared with a small part of ‘pure' Russian. The article shows in examples the methodics of the differentiation of the national and international, genetical and typological in Russian proverbs, which have structural and semantical parallels with European proverbs.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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