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Titre Le Judas de Maksimilian Vološin : pierre d'achoppement ou pierre angulaire de l'Évangile ?
Auteur Marie-Aude Albert
Mir@bel Revue Revue des Etudes Slaves
Numéro Vol. 77, no 4, 2006 La figure de Judas Iscariote dans la culture russe
Rubrique / Thématique
La figure de Judas Iscariote dans la culture russe
Page 611-626
Résumé anglais M. Vološin's Judas: 'Stumbling Stone' or 'Cornerstone' of the Gospel Christ' s best disciple, distinguished by the communion of salt. The 'stumbling stone' of the Last Supper's underlying meaning, concealed by Tradition. The apostle made heroic through the purity of his sacrifice. A man worthy of inspiring artists in accordance with the holy texts... In Maximilian Vološin's very first article dedicated to the representation of the Mystery of the Oberammergau Passion in 1900, one can find both the problematics and ail the elements of the enigma of Judas, which haunted him from 1906 to his death and which he developed more than any other writer of the Silver Age through numerous critiques, conferences, essays and poems. With erudition and passion, Vološin jointly explored the trail of both the Apocrypha and Gnostics, and never stopped expanding the rich theme of moral and political implications, historical and metaphysical perspectives... to such an extent that after the Bolshevik Revolution, he made it the 'cornerstone' of his historiosophic reflection on the Paths of Russia and the role of Jews in the economy of Salvation.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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