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Titre Homoerotismo en Mar Caníbal de Uriel Quesada
Auteur Víctor Saúl Villegas Martínez
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 20, 2020 Amérique centrale : espaces, cartographies et représentations
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier Thématique Amérique Centrale
 Espace et corporalités
Résumé anglais The objective of this article is to analyze Uriel Quesada's novel Mar Caníbal (2016) to understand the representation of homoeroticism from the axis of initiation as a central topic, together with identity as a peripheral theme. It is shown that the characters who assume sexual dissent fluctuate between the dichotomies that make them conceive their desire in a surreptitious way compared to heteronormative discourse; However, this situation will help them create survival strategies that are transformed from the proposed axes: the transition from adolescence to adulthood marked by initiation to sexuality and the emergence of an «abject» identity in the face of socially acceptable
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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