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Titre Cuerpo como territorio fronterizo y espacio escritural Impúdicas (2016), Arabella Salaverry
Auteur Carla Rodríguez Corrales
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 20, 2020 Amérique centrale : espaces, cartographies et représentations
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier Thématique Amérique Centrale
 Espace et corporalités
Résumé anglais The question about the body has not only taken a central place within philosophy and history of western thought but has also been a cause of reflection in art and literature, from where representations that articulate interwoven relationships (gender, geographical space, ethnicity, social class) continue to be assayed. Far from seeming to be an obsession, going back to the body seems to highlight an unfinished quest. The relationship established by each subject and society with the body deploys its own process, for after all, the body comprises our first territory, which is conformed on the basis of multiple overlaying narratives. Accordingly, the following study analyzes the body-textual proposal of the short stories «Astrid (o de las amistades imposibles)», belonging to the work Impúdicas (o de cuentos que se callan) (2016), by the Costa Rican woman writer Arabella Salaverry (1946). This approach intends to unveil how bodies are configured from a particular geographical space, the Costa Rican Caribbean Coast; how the corporeal becomes a border territory and a textual-writing space; by itself, how their outlines echo a marginal history that exceeds its singularity.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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