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Titre Rastreando la emergencia del sujeto neoliberal ‘aquí en Centroamérica': una reflexión y un (breve) ejemplo a través de Baile con serpientes (1996) de Horacio Castellanos Moya
Auteur María Maestre Fernández
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 20, 2020 Amérique centrale : espaces, cartographies et représentations
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier Thématique Amérique Centrale
 Mémoire et identités centre-américaines
Résumé anglais In this article we propose a series of questions – and some tentative answers – about the interrelation between neoliberalism, subjectivity, and narrative in the Central American (and specifically Salvadoran) postwar context. Since the spread of the late Michel Foucault's reflections on neoliberalism as a governmentality and political rationality, many studies have been published that address neoliberalism's capacity of creating a new subjective norm. Neoliberal subjectivity, however, may take different shapes in different contexts. This article proposes the possibility of analyzing such specificities about the process of neoliberalization of minds and bodies through the exploration of literary narratives. Specifically, the article explores the case of urban postwar El Salvador by looking into Baile con serpientes (1996), the second novel published by Horacio Castellanos Moya.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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