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Titre La Reforma Agraria en Bolivia y Cuba: Capitalismo, Revolución y organización campesina
Auteur Rocío Belén Cali
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 20, 2020 Amérique centrale : espaces, cartographies et représentations
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier "Identités, Images, territoires"
Résumé anglais Agrarian Reform in Bolivia and Cuba: Capitalism, Revolution and Peasant Organization Agrarian reform processes in Latin America adopted different ways and had distinct scopes, in accordance with the specific characteristics they adopted and the context in which they were implemented. An analysis of the agrarian reforms that took place both in Bolivia and Cuba in the middle of the twentieth century offers a good starting point to illustrate the diversity of possible situations. This means that the implementation processes of the agrarian reforms in both countries depended on the specific geographic area where they occurred and the particular structure of power relations from which they resulted. Understanding the land ownership structure and the orientation of the production, as well as the exploitation of peasantry and some characteristics of the revolution governments in both countries, will allow us to recognize not only the causes of the certain patterns of each process but also their similarities.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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