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Titre La métropole parisienne : à la recherche du pilote ?
Auteur Philippe Estèbe, Patrick Le Galès
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 107, avril-juin 2003 Gouverner les très grandes métropoles - Institutions et réseaux techniques
Rubrique / Thématique
Gouverner les très grandes métropoles - Institutions et réseaux techniques
 Coordonner ou diriger des institutions multiples au Nord
Résumé anglais The Paris metropolis : looking for a pilot ? The Parisian agglomeration is very fragmented. It is made up first of all of Paris, a capital city governed by the state that long ensured the direct management of its affairs. It also includes the numerous local authorities that link together the metropolitan area, as well as the Ile de France region, which has grown considerably since its belated establishment. These political institutions have competencies that overlap to a very great extent, since all powers are urban. As a result, the Parisian agglomeration has neither a single pilot, nor even a truly stabilized procedure of governance and coordination. However, this is no reason to consider it ungovernable : first of all, because of the rapid growth of the region surrounding the capital, and secondly, because the various institutional actors share the same image of the metropolis.
Source : Éditeur (via
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