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Titre Montréal, laboratoire politique - Une métropole à l'épreuve du pouvoir d'agglomération.
Auteur Alain Faure
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 107, avril-juin 2003 Gouverner les très grandes métropoles - Institutions et réseaux techniques
Rubrique / Thématique
Gouverner les très grandes métropoles - Institutions et réseaux techniques
 Coordonner ou diriger des institutions multiples au Nord
Résumé anglais Montreal as a political laboratory : a metropolis confronted with the power of the agglomeration. Both the territory and the social and economic fabric of Montreal are extremely fragmented. Faced with this problem, at the end of the 1990s the government of Quebec announced its intention to implement a sweeping reform of local institutions. However, it was the provincial government of Quebec that took the lead, overhauling institutions with an unexpected result : Montreal's urban area, the core of the government's project, was paradoxically divided, and Montreal, a new city located on its central island and which integrated all the so-called “suburban” communities, was given powerful institutions allowing it to restructure municipal competencies and the services of the agglomeration. Determined overall by the rationales of the city's élites, this reform reflects a hybrid political model.
Source : Éditeur (via
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