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Titre Gouvernance métropolitaine et pilotage de réseaux techniques : le cas de la région métropolitaine de Mumbai (Bombay).
Auteur Marie-Hélène Zérah
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 107, avril-juin 2003 Gouverner les très grandes métropoles - Institutions et réseaux techniques
Rubrique / Thématique
Gouverner les très grandes métropoles - Institutions et réseaux techniques
 Métropoles du Sud : réseaux techniques et gouvernements
Résumé anglais Metropolitan governance and the piloting of technical networks : the case of the metropolitan region of Mumbai. The particular configuration of the city of Mumbai (12 million inhabitants, a city center representing less than 2 % of the surface of the metropolitan area, and more than half the population living in shantytowns) has given rise to a state model of administrative management of networks based on the hierarchy and rigidity of procedures. It has also generated the proliferation of diverse public actors whose actions overlap anarchically. However, faced with the weakening of this model due to the dilation of territorial scales, a change is beginning to take place in the institutional model of network enlargement. It is characterized by the rapid increase in the number of private operators and associations collaborating with administrations and elected officials, and at the same time, by organized intergovernmental cooperation.
Source : Éditeur (via
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