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Titre Gigantisme métropolitain et gestion des transports à Sao Paulo.
Auteur Etienne Henry
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 107, avril-juin 2003 Gouverner les très grandes métropoles - Institutions et réseaux techniques
Rubrique / Thématique
Gouverner les très grandes métropoles - Institutions et réseaux techniques
 Métropoles du Sud : réseaux techniques et gouvernements
Résumé anglais Metropolitan giganticism and transport management in Sao Paulo Despite the rapid growth of the city of Sao Paulo, its administration has remained centralized : the mayor, whose competencies are relatively limited, is the single municipal authority. The administration of the metropolis however, which has no higher authority and takes into account Brazil's federal nature, is more complex : it has evolved more as a consequence of adjustments between various levels than as the result of a specific rationale. As transports show, a certain vagueness exists which is indicative of the difficulties faced by the administration due to the tremendous size of the metropolis. In particular, the weakening of the administration's role in transport regulation shows that political intervention is being challenged.
Source : Éditeur (via
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