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Titre La mémoire du travail gouvernemental.
Auteur Pascal Petitcollot
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 102, avril-juin 2002 La mémoire de l'administration
Rubrique / Thématique
La mémoire de l'administration
 Les politiques de l'archivage
Résumé anglais A Historical Record of the Government's Work. To keep record of a government's work, the General Secretariat of the government, through its documentation service, processes a huge volume of information which, thanks to modern technology, can be stored away and retrieved more and more rapidly. This information includes not only inter-ministerial projects carried out by the Prime Minister's cabinet, about which one constantly needs to be informed, but also laws and regulations in effect as well as preparatory documents which must be accounted for at any time and in all areas of activity. Along with this, public authorities have continued to explore new ways, thanks to progress in technology, of facilitating citizens'access to records of public data, at least to that which are not protected by the secret of government deliberation : administrative and jurisdictional data banks, dissemination hosts, and telematics services.
Source : Éditeur (via
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