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Titre Un mélèze fossile dans le sud de la Chartreuse
Auteur Aimé Bocquet, Michel Colardelle, Jacques Evin, P. Rochette, J.-P. Uselle
Mir@bel Revue Revue de Géographie Alpine
Numéro vol. 61, no 4, 1973
Page 12 pages
Résumé anglais Abstract. — A flattened larch trunk has been found in sands lying in the middle of the Quaix-Proveysieux cirque, 485 m above sea level, on the Southern side of the Chartreuse massif. From the sedimentological data its deposition can be placed during the recessional fluctuations of the local glacier, after an important erosive phase. Radiocarbon age (> 35.000 years) places these fluctuations during the Wurmian II, before the Wurmian II-III Interstage. The presence of these loose sediments at the center of the small valley rules out a new important glaciation, as they would otherwise have been scraped off; therefore, the Wurmian glacial maximum should antedate the Wurmian III in this part of the Alps.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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