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Titre Le lit du Rhône à la sortie du Jura : formation des îles, évolution de la végétation, genèse des biotopes larvaires à moustiques
Auteur Guy Pautou, Robert Mériaudeau, B. Gilot, J. Thomas, G. Ain
Mir@bel Revue Revue de Géographie Alpine
Numéro vol, 64, no 3, 1976
Page 21 pages
Résumé anglais Abstract. — Where it quits the Jura, the meandering Rhône draws, in its alluvial plain, a fantastic network of ramifications enclosing a large number of islands. In these islands and ancient Rhône'beds, natural vegetation is very diversified and well represented. Numerous mosquito larvals biotopes are found there, and their localisation ami mapping were essential to mosquito control operations. The knowledge of morphogenetic processes combined with the analysis of the different plant communities permitted the understanding of mosquito larval bio- topes genesis, their evolution in time and space, as well as their functioning in the periods of flooding.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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