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Titre De quelques aspects nouveaux de la réhabilitation des vieux quartiers à Grenoble (1983-1988)
Auteur Yves Chalas
Mir@bel Revue Revue de Géographie Alpine
Numéro vol. 79, no 2, 1991
Page 14 pages
Résumé anglais Some new aspects of the urban renewal policy in the old districts of Grenoble (1983-1988). The objectives of urban renewal in the old districts of Grenoble and the means to achieve them were laid down by the socialist municipal government of Hubert Dubedout. However, since the local elections of 1983, when the R.P.R. (Republican) party's Alain Carignon became mayor, Grenoble's urban renewal policy has been modified. The new policy introduced by the right wing municipal government has three distinguishing features with respect to the old town : first, its implementation is discrete, contrasting strongly with the publicity given to the old districts by the former municipality; second, the applied liberalism; third, the progressive changes occurring in the population.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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