Contenu de l'article

Titre L'état du syndicalisme policier
Auteur Jean-Louis Loubet Del Bayle
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 91, 1999/3 L'administration de la sécurité.
Rubrique / Thématique
L'administration de la sécurité
 Organisation et acteurs
Page 11 pages
Résumé anglais The State of Trade-Unionism in the Police. The level of trade-union membership is exceptionally high in the police force. Trade-unionism in the police is therefore strong ; it is equally autonomous but also divided, due notably to its categorised nature. Following on from the 1980s, when a union, the FASP, occupied centre stage pursuing a policy of co-management with governing authorities, unionism in the police has entered a complex phase of recomposition and regrouping, marked by internal crises and demands for the pursuit of corporate interests.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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