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Titre Results of a Quantitative Assessment of France's "Garantie Jeunes" Programme : What Target Groups, What Kinds of Support, and What Beneficiary Trajectories?
Auteur Mathilde Gaini, Marine Guillerm, Solène Hilary, Emmanuel Valat, Philippe Zamora
Mir@bel Revue Travail et emploi
Numéro Hors-série 2020/2
Page 31-52
Résumé anglais France's Garantie jeunes (“Youth Guarantee”, GJ) is a local support programme that targets young people who are in precarious situations and neither in employment, education, or training. It was set up in October 2013, initially on a trial basis. This article presents the results of a quantitative evaluation of the scheme. A panel survey conducted among young people who participated from the beginning of the trial in the areas first trialling Garantie jeunes reveals a very fragile population. The programme offers a high level of support, especially during the collective phase at the start. The evaluation of the scheme takes into account the fact that it was initially set up in only part of the country. Estimates concerning the participants in the first Garantie jeunes target areas indicate that the programme has had an impact on their life trajectories. It has intensified support and has had an impact on beneficiaries' employment rates, an impact that continues in the months following the end of support.JEL: C21, I38, J13
Source : Éditeur (via
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