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Titre La passion du secret dans "The Human Stain" de Philip Roth
Auteur Isabelle Alfandary
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'études américaines
Numéro no 166, 1er trimestre 2021 Autour de Philip Roth
Page 33-45
Résumé anglais The Human Stain is a novel of secrets: the novel of a man's secret—the secret of a literature professor, Coleman Silk. The secret which the narrative inquires about and discloses is not a mere, nor a unique reality, but an always already duplicated and complex one. Zuckerman's novel, embedded in Roth's, is the narrative of a passion that is not unrelated to what Jacques Derrida calls “the secret without secret” of literature. Nathan is a homodiegetic narrator whose witnessing and connection to the character of Coleman eventually takes on an unexpected and growing place in the narrative.
Source : Éditeur (via
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