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Titre Celia Calderón: unir el arte al vivir de las mujeres
Auteur Dina Comisarenco Mirkin
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 22, 2021 Mémoires dans la Caraïbe et l'Amérique latine : entre tradition, modernité et post-modernité. 1920-2020 : un siècle de capitalisme
Rubrique / Thématique
Résumé anglais Celia Calderón (1921-1969) was an outstanding Mexican artist who, although in her own time was recognized in the artistic field, after her dramatic and premature death fell into an unjust historiographic oblivion. In this work I study her life, focusing on her relationships with the early movement in favor of women's rights, considered as key elements to interpret her original iconography in relation to the representation of women. Indeed, unlike most of the works of his contemporaries, several of Calderón's drawings, paintings and engravings do not highlight the loneliness of women as if it were an essential characteristic of the gender, but instead emphasize their profound and significant sense of solidarity and friendship.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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