Contenu de l'article

Titre Where does the human lie in crowdfunding: An exploration of the dark side of social mechanisms
Auteur Mathieu-Claude Chaboud, Guillaume Biot-Paquerot, Alexandre Pourchet
Mir@bel Revue Entreprendre & Innover
Numéro no 48, 2021/1 La face cachée de la finance entrepreneuriale
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 84-93
Résumé anglais Crowdfunding is often considered to be a more prosocial than traditional means of financing. In order to analyze and validate this assumption, we explore the social mechanisms of reward-based crowdfunding present in four illustrative campaigns. We propose a typology of the tools, mechanisms, and organizational methods used in these fundraising initiatives and show how entrepreneurs can use a combination of rules, communication, and the stated philosophy or purpose of their venture not only to succeed but also sometimes to engage in free-riding behavior.
Source : Éditeur (via
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