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Titre Le IIIe Reich face au problème monétaire de l'« Europe nouvelle »
Auteur Georges-Henri Soutou
Mir@bel Revue Relations internationales
Numéro no 191, octobre-décembre 2022 Les monnaies pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Page 19-32
Résumé anglais On June 12, 1941, the Reich minister for Economy, Walther Funk, gave in Vienna a speech entitled « The Economic Organization of New Europe ». It was a compromise between the views of Nazi ideologues, who opposed even the notion of an international monetary system, and those of the leaders in charge of the economy, who wished to restore after the war a minimum of international exchanges based on a system of convertible currencies, even alongside a much-extended clearing system. One must acknowledge that the speech had a wide reception not only in occupied Europe but also in London and Washington. It brought about a series of reflexions and negotiations, which were to lead, in reaction, to the Bretton Woods agreements and to dollar supremacy.
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