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Titre L'administration de la IVe République vue de la direction du budget : un témoignage (entretien)
Auteur M.Pierre CORTESSE, Conseiller-maître honoraire à la Cour des comptes
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 108, octobre 2003 Administrer la IVe République
Rubrique / Thématique
Administrer la IVe République
Page 521
Résumé anglais The Administration of the Fourth Republic seen from the Budget Directorate. Pierre Cortesse's experience in higher administration, particularly in the budget directorate, sheds light on the “inside” of the administrative system of the Fourth Republic. It gives insight not only into the different facets of the directorate's functioning and its functionaries'ways of thinking, but also into the budget directorate's role in establishing institutions for the modernisation of the economy (such as the Plan or the SEEF) and budgetary procedures. In so doing, it gives us a better idea of the impact of the Fourth Republic's administration on later administrative procedures. It also points to the tendency to forget history – a traditional weak point in administrative action.
Source : Éditeur (via
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