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Titre Les nouveaux champs de la régulation
Auteur Mme Marie-Anne FRISON-ROCHE, Professeur des Universités à Sciences Po
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 109, janvier 2004 La régulation - Nouveaux modes ? Nouveaux territoires ?
Rubrique / Thématique
La régulation - Nouveaux modes ? Nouveaux territoires ?
 La transformation des champs et des autorités de régulation
Page 53
Résumé anglais New Fields of Regulation. Extending its scope to a growing number of sectors (banks, post offices, agri-food, telecommunications, etc.), regulation is gradually becoming a vital field of development. Since the role it plays is more one of anticipating risks than of ensuring competition, its “regulatory” and “prudential” functions tend to fuse. Besides the reorganisation of the sectors concerned — and even the relativisation of the notion of sectors and the breaking down of barriers between them — this tendency is a challenge to the concept of regulation itself and the importance it has taken on in the organisation of society.
Source : Éditeur (via
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