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Titre L'impact de la LOLF : questions clés du pilotage stratégique des opérateurs de l'État - Table ronde
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 109, janvier 2004 La régulation - Nouveaux modes ? Nouveaux territoires ?
Rubrique / Thématique
La régulation - Nouveaux modes ? Nouveaux territoires ?
 Débat autour de la LOLF
Page 129
Résumé anglais The Impact of the Act on Public Finance Laws (LOLF) : Key Issues in the Strategic Round table organised at ENA on September 30,2003. The Act on public finance laws (LOLF) not only provides for a new set of budgetary rules. It introduces a change of considerable amplitude, to the extent that it will give rise to a new type of management and a new concept of the administration, based on piloting through results. This deep transformation raises a certain number of questions to which French and foreign experiences in matters of performance and evaluation can provide some elements of response. The analysis of such questions was the aim of this round table.
Source : Éditeur (via
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