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Titre Une politique publique : la santé mentale (1970-2002)
Auteur Mme Sylvie BIAREZ, Directrice de recherche honoraire à la Fondation nationale des sciences politique
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 111, juillet 2004
Page 517
Résumé anglais A Public Policy : Mental Health (1970-2002). Mental health policy has evolved considerably over the last half century. Following the abandonment of the asylum system, its scope broadened during the 1990s to include suffering of an existential nature and diverse population categories. It gradually integrated management methods proper to hospital policy and in 2000, a global reorganisation of thesystembroughtinaprocessof“governability” (contracts,networks, eventual regionalisation), which would encourage the participation of diverse actors. This recomposition was guided by the aim expressed both by WHO and the European Commission of making ethics and responsibilisation a priority for both patient and medical staff.Italsoreflectsthefactthatpublicaction isincreasinglyopen tocontracting and negotiation, thus providing an improved social environment for the patient.
Source : Éditeur (via
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