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Titre Le processus de réforme communale en France
Auteur Jean Dumas, Pierre Sadran
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 17, 1981/1 Le processus de la réforme locale dans les pays industrialisés.
Rubrique / Thématique
Le processus de la réforme locale dans les pays industrialisés
Page 39 pages
Résumé anglais The process of reform of local authorities in France. Have we, in France, a process of reform or a permanent non-reform ? The authors find the latter to be the case, and attempt to discover the reasons for this situation. They show that in the process which is taking place history and politics are progressively ousting geography and economies. There is a break in the communication between the parties to the negotiation, who are not speaking the same language. There is not, in the process of reform pursued by the Government, a single System of decision, but two (one for the overall design, one for management) ; the delays and adjustments — the permanent non-reform — tend to promote certain changes in the social structuring of the field in which decisions are to be made. It is the failure of the initial ambitions of the government reform which in fact constitute the process of regulation.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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