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Titre Nationalisations : les conditions du succès
Auteur Alain Boublil
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 20, 1981/4 Entreprise publiques et efficacité.
Rubrique / Thématique
Entreprises publiques et efficacité
Page 6 pages
Résumé anglais Nationalizations : conditions for success. A reply to the great international uncertainties besetting the outgoing 20th century, an instrument of economic policy meant to get France out of the crisis, a decisive step towards reshuffling production, such are the expectations that have prompted recent nationalizations. What are the conditions for success, granted that it will only be possible over the longer term to attempt an evaluation, for it would be irresponsible to throw up the going concerns just for the fun of it with no regard for the morrow ? The author sorts out four conditions while insisting on their unexhaustiveness ; these requisites are : the right pick of men, the indispensable evolution of industrial and banking structures, the role of the State as shareholder, the relations between Administration and the concerns at stake.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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