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Titre Réforme administrative pour le développement économique et social (1976-1982)
Auteur Alejandro Carrillo Castro
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 7, 1978/3 L'administration du développement.
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 21 pages
Résumé anglais Administrative reform for economic and social development (1976-1982). Structural and functional reorganisation of the Mexican public Administration, put underway by the present Government, has given rise to a critical analysis of present structures. It has been sparked off essentially through the explicit political push and power of the Republic's President. One of the main tasks is to overcome resistance to change that persists at various levels so as to continue the decentralization process of decisions which is still overcentralised and to arrive at real coordination of public actions both vertically and horizontally or territorially. Similarly, a more significant impulse has to be given to institutional reforms, which officers at ail levels are in charge of, so as to be able to rely on efficient programming, control, evaluation, communication and decision-making procedures. In order to render such a transformation of the administrative machinery successful over the short and medium term, it is quite important to have this effort shared by the people who matter in the administration.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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