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Titre L'influence de la crise de l'énergie sur l'administration française : le cas de l'administration de l'énergie
Auteur Violaine Massenet
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 8, 1978/4 L'administration du développement.
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 37 pages
Résumé anglais Effects of the energy crisis on the french administration : the case of the energy administration. The efforts undertaken by the public authorities to parry the main effects of the oil crisis and limit the energy dependence of France have been pursued on two levels : first develop an energy saving policy ; second promote oil replacement energies. Three avenues have been explored in respect of the energy savings policy : fighting wastage ; implementation of energy saving or energy recovering techniques ; and encouraging new techniques. As regards new energies, policies adopted have aimed at encouraging their breakthrough by financing part of their excess cost, the main obstacle to their actual utilization. These policies have been institutionalized through the Agency for Energy Savings, New Energies Delegation and the Solar Energy Directorate. This reaction of the French Energy Administration towards the emergence of a new economic order has raised several problems since what was involved concerned not so much an adjustment to a gradually changing situation, ail aspects of which were under control, but a confrontation with an unforeseen event with the following results : the need for quick action, the lack of any preset model, and no possibility to examine the implications of decisions taken.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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