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Titre Les perspectives de la politique communautaire de l'environnement
Auteur Bruno Massiet du Biest
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 53, 1990/1 L'environnement : protections nationales et enjeux internationaux.
Rubrique / Thématique
L'environnement : protections nationales et enjeux internationaux
 Les protections internationales : de la nécessité a l'urgence
Page 11 pages
Résumé anglais The Prospects for a Common Environmental Policy in the EEC. Since the Single Act came into force, the legitimacy and powers of a common environmental policy have been greatly strengthened. Stiffer measures have been adopted and the scope of community intervention widened in response to the emergence of new concerns and the need to ensure that the opening of frontiers does not produce any ill-effects. Called upon to assert its presence in international negotiations, the community saw its powers boosted with the setting up of an agency responsible for information gathering, the promotion of incentive schemes, etc.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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