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Titre Existe-t-il un système européen de fonction publique ?
Auteur Guy Braibant
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 68, 1993/4 L'administration des parlements
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 8 pages
Résumé anglais Is There A European Civil Service System ? Looking in detail at the national patterns of civil service does not make a common european system appear. Yet it is possible to find common features, which stand out in a clearer way as soon as one does not compare european countries with each other, but with the rest of the world. Although diversified because of each nation's specific history and culture, the european system of civil service may be summed up in the existence of specific statuses founded on a few fundamental principles. Applying common labour law — with a few amendments — to public officials is not the european solution, contrary to that of communist regimes and third world countries. Even if scope and detailed content of civil servants' statuses differ from country to country, civil servants in Europe usually work under a set of comparable specific rules
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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