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Titre La réforme du service national de santé britannique : le consommateur introuvable
Auteur Rudolf Klein
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 76, 1995/4 L'adaptation des systèmes de santé : maîtrise des dépenses et défis de santé publique
Rubrique / Thématique
L'adaptation des systèmes de santé. Maîtrise des dépenses et défis de santé publique
 Nouveaux acteurs et déplacement des pouvoirs
Page 10 pages
Résumé anglais The Reform of the British National Health Service : the Elusive Consumer The reform of the NHS in 1991 was supposed to represent a balance between public expectations and financial constraints. While continuing to be a universal System financed through taxation, the reformed NHS was designed to encourage competition in order to offer a better standard of care. It is evident that administrative costs are high, that even if the role of those general practitioners who are now fund-holders has been re-evaluated, true competition is still not yet a reality, and that the services offered to patients are frequently being reduced. While profitability, quality and transparency are high on the agenda, the NHS remains a System of health care in which needs are defined by professionals and not by the choices or demands of consumers.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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