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Titre Réserves de la crise dans The Scarlet Letter
Auteur Françoise Sammarcelli
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'études américaines
Numéro no 64, mai 1995 Crise et crises.
Page 12 pages
Résumé anglais This paper examines the inscription of crisis in an excerpt from ch. 7 of The Scarlet Letter. Crisis must be thought of in terms of uncertainty and disruption in a text which resorts to description in order to defer confrontation and explores the dialectic of specularity the same and the other. The passage highlights the power of and can be read as a scene of embedded observation which calls iconic and linguistic representation into question through effects of distortion, reflections and reduplication. Thus the text dramatizes the displacement of codes while the crisis of authority is aesthetically transmuted into a moment of critique.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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