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Titre L'expérience et l'interprétation de la crise chez Crèvecoeur
Auteur Robert Sayre
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'études américaines
Numéro no 64, mai 1995 Crise et crises.
Page 9 pages
Résumé anglais A number of the texts in St. John de Crèvecœur's Letters From an American Farmer and Sketches of 18th-Century America reveal a complex vision of the crisis occasioned by the social turmoil of the American Revolution, a vision that expresses itself both in terms of lived experience and of reflective interpretation. The revolutionary crisis is seen to take significantly different forms on the frontier and in the more settled areas. These texts throw an interesting light on recent historical debates about the role of the American Revolution in the larger social developpments of the period.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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