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Titre L'oeil d'Emerson et la sphère de Pascal : City of Glass de Paul Auster
Auteur Daniel Canty
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'études américaines
Numéro no 64, mai 1995 Crise et crises.
Rubrique / Thématique
Hors thème
Page 9 pages
Résumé anglais Auster's City of Glass can be read as the fable of Quinn's redemption. Clues as to the possible existence of a god not unlike the puritans' directing the narrated events are disseminated throughout the novel. This calculating god only could give moral meaning to Quinn's mascarade. The twin images of Pascal's paradoxical sphere and Emerson's transparent eye, as used by the narrator to describe the novel's universe and the ambitions of its main protagonist, are the first indications of the deity's presence. The role of air and light, as metaphors of change and time, support this hypothesis, as does the relationship — at once fatherly and vampiric — between Quinn and Peter Stillman jr.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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