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Titre De la citoyenneté symbolique : China Men, de M. H. Kingston
Auteur Michel Feith
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'études américaines
Numéro no 75, janvier 1998 Immigration et citoyenneté aux Etats-Unis.
Page 12 pages
Résumé anglais As corollary to the legal and political notion of citizenship, this paper attempts to define a "symbolic citizenship" in Maxine Hong Kingston 's China Men. In contradistinction to the discriminatory institutional practices restricting immigrant access to the U. S. and naturalization, this form of citizenship is based on participation in the nation's pioneering history and material prosperity in its dreams of freedom and opportunity for all. To avoid thus condoning the myth of Manifest Destiny, the text multiplies alternative narratives which distanciate the eurocentric perspective and reveal a subtle interplay between "national" and "immigrant" outlooks. The result is a dialogic expansion of the meaning of America, critical of the discrepancy between the rigidity of citizenship conditions and the openness of the "symbolic " kind.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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