Contenu de l'article

Titre Network Transformation during Technological Regime Change: The Case of the German Automotive Research Network
Auteur Patrick Wolf
Mir@bel Revue Journal of Innovation Economics
Numéro no 44, 2024/2 Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 161-190
Résumé anglais This study examines the structural changes in the German automotive research network to gain deeper insights into network transformation during regime change. Using a separable temporal exponential random graph model (STERGM), the author explores the influence of various factors on link formation and dissolution, including actor characteristics and general structural measures. Analyzing networking behavior over different time periods sheds light on the changing significance of these factors, particularly during the technological regime change in the German automotive sector. Findings reveal that link formation during regime change exhibits an increasing tendency toward cognitive and institutional distance between actors, with shorter durations of connections. Additionally, organizational size, urban location, and geographical proximity positively impact link formation. JEL CODES: O30, O33, L14
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