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Titre Hong Kong's Place Branding from 1997 to 2024:From Self-assurance to Aching Attempts to Come Back
Auteur Emilie Tran, Eric Sautedé
Mir@bel Revue China perspectives
Numéro no 137, 2024 Hong Kong in the 2020s: Reset amidst Challenges
Rubrique / Thématique
Special Feature
Page 33-44
Résumé anglais While previous research has explored Hong Kong's place branding, it focused on data prior to the Covid-19 pandemic and did not fully address the shifting geoeconomic and political contexts that define Hong Kong. The present paper aims to fill this gap by providing a comprehensive longitudinal analysis from 1997 to 2024. Applying discourse analysis on a corpus of official documents and policy addresses, our study uses a two-pronged framework that integrates place branding and critical juncture to comprehend the practices, politics, and consequences of Hong Kong's branding strategy. It argues that Hong Kong's current branding strategies are at a critical juncture, reflecting a devolution from an ambitious and holistic approach in the 2000s to consumption-driven promotional campaigns in the 2020s. The authors underscore the urgency and complexity of redefining a dynamic and adaptative branding strategy that can effectively showcase Hong Kong's strengths and values to the international community.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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