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Titre Etat, politique et cultures en Moldavie
Auteur Florent Parmentier
Mir@bel Revue La revue internationale et stratégique
Numéro no 54, été 2004 Peut-on penser un ordre international ?
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 152
Résumé The State, Politics and Cultures in Moldova Moldova is a weak post-soviet state. Its legitimacy is contested from inside as well as outside its borders. If the objectives entailed by the establishment of the rule of law and a market-based economy are still far from being achieved, Moldova's future remains uncertain, undermined by ethnic and cultural conflicts. The country's decline constitutes a threat at a regional level. Indeed, since its independence, political life in Moldova is characterised by troubled relations between political elites and the groups which the former claim to represent, as well as between the nations and their builders. Torn between the desire of reunification with Romania and separatism of Transnistria, Moldova's aim was to build a viable state, even though its territorial problems have not yet been solved. Therefore, the construction of a « Moldovan » citizen identity still remains in utero ten years after its independence.
Source : Éditeur (via
Résumé anglais Moldova is a weak post-soviet state. Its legitimacy is contested from inside as well as outside its borders. If the objectives entailed by the establishment of the rule of law and a market-based economy are still far from being achieved, Moldova's future remains uncertain, undermined by ethnic and cultural conflicts. The country's decline constitutes a threat at a regional level. Indeed, since its independence, political life in Moldova is characterised by troubled relations between political elites and the groups which the former claim to represent, as well as between the nations and their builders. Torn between the desire of reunification with Romania and separatism of Transnistria, Moldova's aim was to build a viable state, even though its territorial problems have not yet been solved. Therefore, the construction of a « Moldovan » citizen identity still remains in utero ten years after its independence.
Source : Éditeur (via
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