Contenu du sommaire : Régimes politiques et droits humains au Maghreb
Revue |
Confluences Méditerranée ![]() |
Numéro | no 51, automne 2004 |
Titre du numéro | Régimes politiques et droits humains au Maghreb |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Introduction - Laouhari Addi p. 7-9
- Les droits de l'Homme dans la crise politique algérienne - Salima Mellah p. 11-22
- La torture, antichambre de la mort - Salah-Eddine Sidhoum p. 23-38
- La LADDH avance le chiffre de 18000 disparus - Ali Yahya Abdennour, Lahouari Addi p. 39-44
- Extraits du rapport 2004 sur l'Algérie - Amnesty International p. 45-50
- Lecture Françalgérie. Crimes et mensonges d'États. Histoire secrète, de la guerre d'indépendance à la « troisième guerre » d'Algérie : Lounis Aggoun, Jean-Baptiste Rivoire La Découverte, Paris, avril 2004, 665 p., 23€ - Gilbert Meynier p. 51-56
- L'alternance démocratique au Maroc : une porte entrouverte - Marguerite Rollinde p. 57-67
- L'impunité au Maroc - Fouad Abdelmoumni, Lahouari Addi p. 69-73
- Extraits du rapport 2004 sur le Maroc - Amnesty International p. 75-79
- Lecture Le mouvement marocain pour les droits de l'Homme, entre consensus national et engagement citoyen : Marguerite Rollinde, Karthala, Paris, 2002 - Malika Haddad p. 81-89
- Mondialisation et démocratie.Le contre-exemple Tunisien - Sadri Khiari p. 91-101
- La LTDH ou la gestion des paradoxes - Souhayr Belhassen p. 103-125
- Appel de militants démocrates et progressistes anciens détenus politiques - p. 127-130
- Extraits du rapport 2004 sur la Tunisie - Amnesty International p. 131-134
- Lecture Tunisie. Le délitement de la Cité : Sadri Khiari, Karthala, 2003 - Clément Steuer p. 135-140
- La torture comme pratique d'Etat dans les pays du Maghreb - Lahouari Addi p. 141-153
- Introduction - Laouhari Addi p. 7-9
- La résistance au Liban-Sud : une défense stratégique à fonction offensive - Ali Fayyad p. 157-162 The resistance in southern Lebanon : a defensive strategy with an offensive use, Confluences, since its very beginnings, has always attempted to present the different points of view of current political actors. We received this article from a Lebanese intellectual close to the Hezbollah. We have decided to publish it in order to give an idea of the manner in which this party currently views its conflict with Israel. In the following issue, we will publish the Israeli point of view on the question.
- Mohamed VI, Commandeur des croyants au secours de la laïcité ? - Bernard Cubertafond p. 163-180 Mohamed VI, leader of the believers coming to the rescue of secularism ? Examining the similarities between the Moroccan reform of the Moudawana and the French law on headscarves is not without its merits. They are both attempts at warning shots : to show, on one hand, Moroccan Islamists that a new king has taken the reigns and that the Islam of the happy medium must be maintained and broadened, and, on the other, to show in France that the gradual erosion of the dominant way of life will not be tolerated. But these two barriers will only hold if modernist thinkers and debaters are put to the forefront, and only if the social separations cease to grow deeper.
- La résistance au Liban-Sud : une défense stratégique à fonction offensive - Ali Fayyad p. 157-162
Confluences culturelles
- La sultane - Itidal Othman p. 183-192 Story : The Sultan, Itidal Othman was born in 1942. She studied English literature at the University of Cairo and at the American University in Cairo. She works as an editor at the General Egyptian Organization for the Book, and is also an editorial board member for several literary journals. She is the author of two short story collections : Yûnus wal-Bahr (Jonas and the Sea, 1987) and Wash ash-Shams (Tattoo from the Sun, 1992), as well as several essays of literary criticism, one of which is consecrated to Youssef Idriss.
- Premier festival international de cinéma de Ramallah - Antonia Naïm p. 193-195 Premier international film festival in Ramallah, The premier edition of the RIFF (Ramallah International Film Festival) took place July 8th through 14th, 2004 and presented a selection of Palestinian films, often based on the daily reality of the country, as well as a large selection of European films made possible by various partnerships between different European countries.
- Lire - p. 201-205
- La sultane - Itidal Othman p. 183-192
Régimes politiques et droits humains au Maghreb
- Dossier préparé par Lahouari Addi- Dossiers -
Algérie :
Maroc :
Tunisie :
- Actuel -
- Confluences culturelles -