Contenu du sommaire : La santé mentale dans le rapport Nord-Sud
Revue |
Revue Tiers-Monde ![]() |
Numéro | no 187, juillet-septembre 2006 |
Titre du numéro | La santé mentale dans le rapport Nord-Sud |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
La santé mentale dans le rapport Nord-Sud
- Présentation : contexte et enjeux - Anne Biadi-Imhof p. 485 Introduction: context and major issues. The psychological aspect of life in society appears as a major collective issue which, going beyond politics and psychiatry, concerns society as a whole. This new "social question" cannot be separated from the weighty issues and representations that psychiatry carries with it, either in the industrialized countries of the Northern Hemisphere or in the countries of the South. Psychiatry, subject to a continual process of profound working and reworking owing to its ambitions to find meaning, has since its inception been at the core of debates relating to society.
- Santé mentale, coopération et développement - Luciano Carrino p. 509 Mental health, international aid and development. The approaches currently adopted by mental health professionals show conceptual insufficiencies when applied in situations of extreme poverty and insecurity. International partnership for development helps a process of rethinking with regard to the relationship between the needs of individuals, the function of the Ego in the quest for well-being and the responsibility of society when it imposes routes towards satisfaction that produce exclusion and feed destructive conflicts.
- La psychiatrie coloniale française en Algérie et au Sénégal - René Collignon p. 527 French colonial psychiatry in Algeria and Senegal. This article gives an outline of the historisation of French colonial psychiatry in Africa starting from two contrasting situations: Algeria, a settlement colony conferred with the status of French administrative départements, and Senegal, in West Africa, where no European colonial population had become established. The starting point of a psychiatric assistance project in the colonies goes back to the report by Reboul and Régis at the French psychiatrists'conference in Tunis in 1912, which defined a policy to follow. The problems of implementation are examined, as are the accomplishments up to the time of independence and the emergence of a corpus of "ethnopsychiatric" knowledge on the people who were colonized.
- Brésil : santé mentale et sphère magico-religieuse - Marion Aubrée p. 547 Brazil: mental health and the realm of magic and religion. The situation in Brazil is described concerning the relation between what are commonly called "nervous diseases" and the quest for relief by turning to religiously-based therapies. These "spiritual therapies" can currently be grouped into three major symbolic tendencies. The article examines the socio-cultural substratum which leads people to turn to one or other of these tendencies and the cathartic process which can bring great relief from the state of suffering the "patients" experience. For most Brazilians, the representations of psychiatry render it a universe much more mysterious and dangerous than the religious sphere they use so fully.
- Ethnopsychiatrie : la culture au service de la santé - Antonio Mourao Cavalcante p. 557 Ethnopsychiatry: culture comes to the aid of health. The Author takes a case history as a basis for developing a discussion where he emphasizes the psychiatric and cultural aspects of a situation. This is a typical ethnopsychiatric approach, which goes back to the work of Georges Devereux and Tobie Nathan. The psychiatric elements the case presents suggest a depression. The cultural aspects, closely linked to the realities of life in the Nordeste region of Brazil, reflect the world of rural traditional, steeped in religious beliefs and struggles for power. The scenario is typical of ancient Brazil which, through the aging patient, shows the decline, even the progressive disappearance, of that world, now suffused with modernity and social pluralism.
- Rencontre avec Pierrette Soumbou - Anne Biadi-Imhof p. 565 A meeting with Pierrette Soumbou. During an interview on the question of mental health, a Congolese woman in France talked about the advantages and insufficiencies of traditional collective methods of intervention. These approach psychiatric trouble not as an individual problem but as a social one. This collective means, aiming for basic overall mental health, does not enable an individual to appropriate his or her own history. An intermediary level of professional care that might allow that is missing. The dramatic events that have marked Congo's recent history hold clues for understanding how individuals'accounts of their suffering contribute to the reconstruction of a collective memory, yet without in any way curing the traumas experienced.
- Ethnopsychiatrie : la culture au service de la santé - Antonio Mourao Cavalcante p. 557
- Des chemins pour un humanisme moderne dans les pratiques de santé mentale - Bernard Doray p. 581 Paths towards a modern humanism in mental health practices. In this article, the Author puts forward a transversal approach to certain themes that come out of the set of contributions made to this strong feature on mental health for the Review Tiers Monde, without pretending to draw a particular conclusion from them. Starting from a particular interest in the concepts of dignity and resymbolization, he suggests some further lines of study. Included in these would be research in which the two components of the term "psycho-social" would be considered when looking at the virtualities produced by the creative dialectic that reality imparts upon them.
- Des chemins pour un humanisme moderne dans les pratiques de santé mentale - Bernard Doray p. 581
- Présentation : contexte et enjeux - Anne Biadi-Imhof p. 485
- Peut-on parler d'une crise ou d'un renouveau de l'économie du développement durant la dernière décennie ? - Philippe Hugon p. 591 Can we talk of a crisis or of a renewal of development economics over the past decade? Development economics, built up after the end of the Second World War and extended since, is now being called into question by three main critical groups : the upholders of free-market globalization, the ecologist movements and anti- development culture-centred tendencies. However, it could be considered that the discipline has been strengthened in the context of global fracture, differentiation between emerging countries and those caught in the pitfalls of underdeve- lopment, and that the intuitions of the development pioneers have been brought up to date by contemporary economic analyses. This article presents a criticism of the main empirical results of development processes (I) and the theoretical renewal of the foundations of development economics in the course of the past decade (II).
- Libéralisation économique et marginalisation de la paysannerie en Haïti : le cas de l'Arcahaie - Sophie Devienne, Sandrine Fréguin p. 621 Economic liberalization and the marginalization of family smallholders in Haiti: the case of the Arcahaie region. The article describes the agrarian changes and developments occurring in the Haitian region of Arcahaie, in relation to trade liberalization. It shows how the small farmers, faced with an increase in food imports, specialized in the only crop that was still profitable, plantain banana, which they sell in order to buy imported rice. They were thus prompted to develop production systems that were both effectively unsustainable from the agronomic point of view and economically vulnerable. This crop is now at the mercy of competition from the Dominican Republic whose agricultural productivity levels are higher. This competition has a heavy impact on prices and poses a threat of serious crisis for the smallholder farmers of Arcahaie, who now have no alternative crop to produce as a back-up.
- Type d'entreprise et parcours professionnels dans le télémarketing au Brésil - Isabel Georges p. 643 Company type and career paths in telemarketing in Brazil. Using an examination of a particular field of work which reveals the current trends in the Brazilian employment market, this article focuses on elements that give structure to professional careers of operational staff in telemarketing, which appear to be in disarray. The employment terms and conditions are observed to be diversified and fragmented. This finding, in a more general background of globalization of production and trade, raises questions concerning the real weight of individual practices in professional careers and, more broadly, the loss of meaning of the concepts of work and employment.
- Peut-on parler d'une crise ou d'un renouveau de l'économie du développement durant la dernière décennie ? - Philippe Hugon p. 591
Ouvrages sur le développement
- p. 661Analyses bibliographiques